Coconut Cloud Cake

For the Seven-Minute Frosting

  • 3 lárge egg whites
  • 1 1/4 cups sugár
  • 5 táblespoons cold wáter
  • 1/4 teáspoon creám of tártár
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct

For the Cáke

  • 1 cup sifted cáke flour
  • 1 1/2 cups superfine sugár
  • 14 lárge egg whites (1 3/4 cups), room temperáture
  • 1 táblespoon wárm wáter
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons creám of tártár
  • 2 teáspoons vánillá extráct

For the Topping

  • 3 to 4 cups fláked coconut


 Step 1
Preheát the oven to 350 degrees. With á fine sieve, sift together flour ánd 3/4 cups sugár four times.

 Step 2
In the bowl of á stánd mixer on medium speed, beát together egg whites ánd wáter until foámy. ádd sált, creám of tártár, ánd vánillá; beát until soft peáks form. Increáse speed to medium-high ánd sprinkle in remáining sugár, 1 táblespoon át á time. Beát until stiff but not dry.

 Step 3
Tránsfer to á lárge bowl. In six ádditions, sift dry ingredients over meringue, folding in quickly but gently.

 Step 4
Pour bátter into án ungreásed 10-inch tube pán with remováble bottom. Smooth top with án offset spátulá. Run á knife through bátter to releáse áir bubbles. Báke for 35 to 40 minutes, until golden brown ánd springy to touch.

 Step 5
Invert pán on its legs or over the neck of á gláss bottle, ánd let cool completely, ábout 1 hour.

 Step 6
Máke the frosting: In the heátproof bowl of án electric mixer set over á sáucepán of simmering wáter, combine egg whites, sugár, wáter, ánd creám of tártár. Cook over medium heát, whisking frequently, until sugár is dissolved ánd mixture is foámy, ábout 5 minutes.

 Step 7
áttách the bowl to á stánd mixer fitted with the whisk áttáchment. Beát the mixture on high speed until glossy ánd voluminous, ábout 7 minutes. Beát in the vánillá.

 Step 8
Cárefully run á long offset spátulá or knife áround the inner ánd outer perimeter of the cáke pán to releáse cáke.

 Step 9
Pláce on á pláte, bottom side up. Using á long serráted knife, cárefully slice off 1 1/2 inches from the top of the cáke, being sure not to breák the láyer. Set áside. Cut out á 1-inch-wide, 1-inch-deep chánnel hálfwáy between the center ánd edge of cáke. Spreád icing into chánnel ánd over entire láyer. Sprinkle with coconut.

 Step 10
Gently pláce reserved láyer on top ánd ice with remáining frosting. Sprinkle with coconut ánd serve immediátely.

full instructions in here

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