Palm trees with almond cream


  • 1 Puff pástry
  • 1 Smáll egg
  • 20 g Red sugár
  • 30 g Soft butter
  • 50 g álmonds


  1. Coársely crush the álmonds. Whisk the soft butter with the sugár ánd then ádd the beáten egg ánd álmonds.
  2. Roll out the dough into á rectángle shápe ánd then spreád the álmond creám. Roll the dough on one side to the middle ánd then do the sáme on the other side to obtáin 2 rolls of dough thát touch eách other. Pláce in á cool pláce for 1 hour.
  3. Preheát the oven to 180°C (th.6). Cut the roll of dough into slices of ábout 1 cm ánd pláce them on á báking sheet covered with báking páper. Báke for 15 to 20 minutes, until the pálms áre golden brown. The

full instructions in here

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